Thursday, 10 January 2013

Light up Your World!

"You are the light of the world... Let you light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven"- Jesus Christ.

The story is told of St Augustine of Hippo. Many years ago, in the course of evangelism, he came across a leprous man who had being a serial victim of rejection, hunger and frustration from his family members and neighbours. On sighting him, St Augustine smiled at him, hugged him, and gave him some money. Astonished, the leper said, "Sir, are you Christ?" Humbly, St Augustine replied, "No, I am not Christ". With a face lit up with grateful surprise, the leper averred, "No, you are Christ! Because only Christ touches lepers. It is only Christ who does what you just did".

This story says it all. It summarises the essence of your being. It shows you in ,practical terms, what and how it means to be a living being. A living being is the one who is not only open to positive, progressive change; but also undergoes it, and blesses his world in the course of undergoing such change. A living being is always a light. He illuminates!

Look around you. You find challenges everywhere. In fact, the 21st century has been a significant one for the human race as it contends with one upheaval or the other. From natural catastrophes to political and economic turmoils, the challenges are indeed enormous. But here is the good news: these challenges are actually for you! They exist so that you can respond to them creatively. They exist so that you can evolve as you reach down to mobilise the problem-solving resources that lie inside of you. They exist so that the genius that lies inside of you can be called upon to fulfill purpose. They exist so that you can proffer solutions to them. Take the Creation story for example. The disorganised and ugly state of the world waited in need of the sublime touch of the Divine for it to be the master piece that we have today as our world. Close your eyes this minute and imagine what the world would have been had there being no sun, for example. You have also been created to create, innovate, and provide answers to questions.

The darkness of challenges pervades virtually everywhere you go, even beginning with your personal self. But it is not meant to overshadow you. You are meant to illuminate your world by putting to work the creative genius that lies inside of you. Faced with any problem, commit yourself to either finding a way or to make one. Be rest assured that there is always a way out, if you stick at it. The same disposition you should put up when it comes to challenges that are external to you. When you do this, you will see yourself becoming a solution provider. You will see yourself becoming a value creator. Life will be made easier for others because of your initiatives. And, one day, you will also be asked, "Sir/Ma, are you Christ?".  Resolve to be the light that will illuminate your world. That's your purpose!

TASK FOR THE DAY: Against whatever challenge/problem you come up today, promise to step back and repeat to yourself, "I will either find a way or make one". Say this until you find yourself on the found way or actually making one.

Your Partener in Ascent,
Isaiah Kumuyi, AOGE

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