Wednesday, 16 January 2013


" As a precursor to every gain comes a season of pain; but it takes a heart of persistence to push forward to excellence"- Isaiah Kumuyi.

Have you observed that no sooner had you made a decision in favour of something good and progressive in your life than you began to experience situations that seemed to conspire against your noble intentions? Take a few minutes to reflect on this.

Last week, you were challenged to open up to change. You were told that your positive evolution is eagerly  expected. You were told that it all began with you! And you made a resolution. Or, did you not? But, one week into it, and this is where you are. You ask yourself if the pain, the 'insults', the sacrifice, the hunger, the cut hours of sleep,etc are really worth it. "I am just gonna take it easy on myself", I can hear you say. But, wait a  minute!

That good things don't come cheap has so much become cliched to you that you seem to ignore the ageless wisdom in it. Look around you. What thing or who ever of great repute, which or whom you have cared to inquire about, attained their greatness the easy way? In life, there is always a price to pay for anything of note. And to the eternal credit of the Divine, there is always a dividend for every price paid. Every head that receives the knock is a potential candidate for the crown. What separates the pretenders from the contenders is persistence.

Great One, as you continue your pursuit today, persistence is one ally you must court. The knocks you will receive-which you might have been receiving-are indications that you are a potential candidate for the crown. Let your staying power push you through to actually wearing the crown. Let the clear image of the future you pursue be so real to you that it consolidates your resolve. Have you heard of the concept of the Vital Few and the Trivial Many? A big difference between them is persistence. Resolve to belong to the former group. Against whatever you come in the pursuit of your happiness, resolve to hold on! Stay put and push on; and soon, when you take the photo shot of yourself on 31/12/2013, the result you will get will be the most pleasing to you.

TASK FOR THE DAY: Today, in whatever you want to do, close your eyes and imagine what you will be like when you are done with it. Repeat the process as many times as necessary.

Have a Top Day!

Your Partner in Ascent,
Isaiah Kumuyi,AOGE

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